Since cleaning out my office, I have TONS of leftover file folders. The colors range from bright red to purple (not really my style anymore), but I hate to just throw them in the trash or sell them for pennies at a yard sale. The solution??? Recycle them of course!!!! Following are the steps I took to make adorable, custom mailing envelopes.
STEP ONE: Gather old, ugly file folders.
STEP TWO: Get sample envelope in basic size you want to copy.
STEP THREE: Open sample envelope, carefully pulling apart glued edges.
STEP FOUR: Open unglued sample.
STEP FIVE: Place sample over top of file folder (if you keep the seams in the same place it helps) and trace carefully around the edges (like a sewing pattern).
STEP SIX: Cut out pattern and adjust as needed (ie: my folder did not allow for the envelope flap to be as large as the sample so I just modified).
STEP SEVEN: Fold over edges of the new envelope and crease the edges. FYI: I used a ruler, but you can use your thumb, a burnishing tool, whatever....just get it really crisp.
STEP EIGHT: Glue down edges of envelope with your favorite adhesive. I particulary like rolling sticky tack tape (the kind scrapbooker's use), but pick your poison.
STEP NINE: Embellish folder with your favorite stamps, crayons, paints, or paper.
STEP TEN: Marvel at your ingeninuity and creativity. Then mail something.