The first spoils of The Leftover Game: Pumpkin Pie Custard
Don't panic. I'm not eating dog food for breakfast. I have, however, invented a new game. Any interest in playing along?
If you've been visiting for any amount of time, you may have noticed; I'm obsessed with food. To be clear, I was always a fan (even when I was healthy), but after nearly two months of eating a highly modified gluten-free, sugar-free, yeast-free diet--I'm beyond crazy. So, in search of options (and to avoid dying of boredom), I've been trying to mix it up a bit.
The adventure began with these fantastic pumpkin cookies. Have you tried them? Man, they are REALLY good. Trouble we're left with a half can of pumpkin--a familiar dilemma; REALLY healthy, REALLY expensive ingredients, use half of them, the rest rots in the fridge. Am I alone on this???
So, sick of wasting money and food, I invented The Leftover Game; Not a new idea, but one that's keeping me sane (which is a good thing).
The game goes like this. You make a recipe and, if you have a leftover ingredient, you make another recipe with that. For example, below is my modified recipe. Note: To suit my diet (and ingredients), I halved it and altered a few other things--original can be found here.
Pumpkin Pie Custard
Like the pie without the crust (and really awful stuff). For kicks, try it for breakfast (that will alter your morning). My healthy husband sampled it and did not spit it out...which is a good sign.
1 large organic egg
1/4 tsp liquid Stevia
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/2 can of organic pumpkin
1/2 13 ounce can of organic coconut milk
Dump everything into a bowl, mix well, put in sprayed pie pan, and bake at 350 degrees (F) for 50-60 minutes. Let sit for 15 minutes or more; then chill overnight in the fridge. Voilà.
By the way, the custard is FANTASTIC (like the best breakfast ever); don't let the photo fool you. Now (she says, tapping her finger on the bow of her lips)...what to do with the rest of that coconut milk...
Altered Today: Waste, boredom, easy baked stuff