"I feel so good. I can't believe it."
That's what I said yesterday in the car with my husband. After struggling for weeks, I finally slept two nights in a row and the difference in my mood, pain, and mental clarity was staggering.
"Maybe I'm not sick at all," I rambled as we drove down I-4. "Maybe the insomnia just causes me to feel bad and not the other way around." Laughing, we joked about how watching the Superbowl cured me and how I'm a Steeler miracle. Inside, I obsessed about what made the difference. Was it the Melatonin? Was it the Milk and Nutmeg?
It's been a fabulous two-days. I woke up Sunday feeling amazingly refreshed. I got up early, met a friend for a bagel and later even managed to watch the Superbowl (without fatigue and without napping). It was the most productive I'd been since October.
I woke up Monday feeling almost as good: Alert, Alive, and Vital. I climbed several flights of stairs, relaxed at a Disney Resort , even ate at Cracker Barrel, and--for a while--completely forgot about doctors, food journals, and symptoms.
Now? I'm up with pain again after only a 1/2 hour in bed (melatonin and milk be damned).
I am disheartened, but hopeful. At least now I know...I'm still in there somewhere. Fingers crossed, it's just a temporary setback. Fingers, toes, eyes, and elbows crossed, I'll have some kind of answer next Tuesday.
Altered Today: Hope, Optimism, Attitude