It's been a long time since I've watched a Nopalea infomercial. If you don't know it, it's a product sold on late night television as a "solution" for pain, insomnia, inflammation, and Lyme disease.
They'll give you a free shipping.
I've considered it: especially at four in the morning when I'm pacing the house praying for shut eye.
In the last three hours, I've folded a load of laundry, unloaded the dishwasher, taken an Epsom Salt Bath, and rearranged my herbal tea collection.
It's an odd, unwelcome surge of energy.
This is not "I'm thinking about stuff; I can't sleep" insomnia.
This is "go to sleep, jolt awake 30 minutes later by tiny children yelling Fire! Fire! Fire!" panic/insomnia.
It's completely unnatural.
In the last three days, I've probably slept 10 hours...and that's being generous. A new protocol could explain last night's fiasco--new herbs/meds/foods can do that. But the night before, and the night before that?? Complete mystery.
You'd think I'd be used to this by now: the whole up, down, no control over your body thing. This kick, however, feels particularly hard. Sleep's been good to me the last several months (just a "normal" bump here and there).
I was hoping this problem was behind me.
In the world of healing, a lot's happening.
New problems are coming out of the woodwork.
New solutions are being looked at.
Diet/protocol's changing again.
It's a lot like war. Bugs hide in corners, under rocks, and in trees. Different ones require different strategies. Take out one soldier...there are hundreds more waiting.
But that's only half of the battle.
Squirming, flipping, flopping, fighting..wishing things were different...that's the real enemy.
So, it's off to dust, walk, sauna, eat oatmeal, make the bed, chop vegetables, and recruit some of these guys.
As George Carlin once said: If you can beat them, arrange to have them beaten.
I'm so sorry. You could have called. Gray was up puking his guts out for hours. :( We could have consoled each other. :) Hope you get a nice, big, juicy nap in today...without any children screaming FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! in your ear. Hoping for good sleeps in the nights to come too.
Posted by: Melissa | 01/11/2012 at 10:11 AM
Oh, nothing seems to upset the system more than lack of sleep...and the wild dreams or unnatural wired type of energy that can go with it. Maybe the full moon has something to do with it? Strange as it seems,things seem to stir more then including the nasty little bug soldiers on the move. Sure hope things settle for you soon...
Posted by: Renee | 01/11/2012 at 10:58 AM
Sleeplessness on top of everything else? Oh, brother.......I really hope you get some sleep soon.
Posted by: Jrsn1234 | 01/11/2012 at 07:51 PM