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Debbie Semarge

So sorry, Kathy... Well is where we are heading, but why does it have to take so long??? I'm sorry, you are having a bad time right now again... I love you baby sis!

Jenny Rush

Beautiful...embrace the Dragon. xxoo


Yes, well is where we are headed...one step at a time..often one painful step..or turn of the neck. Your description here is so vivid. Sending cyber hugs your way today...gentle ones of course.


I'm sorry you are feeling yucky! I have been thinking of you. Talk soon. Love you!

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What do you get when you combine a creative, Type A personality with Chronic Lyme Disease? A choice: A) Be swallowed whole or B) Reinvent yourself--daily. Alter Everything is my quest to respect "A" and embrace "B" as much as possible. Here, I recount my daily adventures in pursuit of an altered life.
Kathy Tagudin
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