One of these stories is true.
a) I've been abducted and haven't had time/energy to talk about it.
b) I've been feeling super bad, stopped all of my meds/herbs,
and am trying desperately to recover.
(Flexiril, massage, Traumeel...anyone?)
c) I am on vacation, enjoying bits of magic, when/where I can.
d) I'm hiding in a coffee shop,
amongst hipsters and other undiscovered famous authors.
e) I am out, trying desperately to find a good cuppa decaf,
and make up for seven days of writing slack.
e) All of the above.
If you answered "e," you're a genius.
Or, you know me way better than I think you do.
Gratefully, I still have friends who are kind enough to:
-take me on business trips
-put up with my odd yowling and routines
(Can you turn that light off? Sigh. Will you turn that down?)
-encourage me to do what I can
-love me unconditionally
Back to writing now...
Altered Today: Where and how I address pain.
Ps I stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
Kathy, I LOVE this!! More importantly, I LOVE you!!! Hope you feel better, find a delicious cuppa decaf that makes you want to sing, have fun hanging with the cool, coffee house hipsters, write more than you have in months, get discovered by a happenin' publisher and find a really good massage therapist in Savannah.
Take care of yourself sweet friend. You are thought about more than you know. (((Hugs)))
Posted by: Michelle Holderman | 11/09/2011 at 12:47 PM
Sounds like some good, some Sorry you are having pain and not finding much relief! I'm glad you've got a friend to take you away and that you can be gratful.
Big hug to you - love ya!
Posted by: Robyn | 11/11/2011 at 08:17 PM