If you're anything like me, you probably have a closet full of prescriptions. My GU treatment alone, contains 16+ Chinese herbs. There are yeast treatments, vitamins, pain medications, antibiotics, antivirals, sleeping medications, and more...prescribed by four plus doctors.
I rarely take pain pills. Although I could, I don't like how they make me feel. I also prefer to stick to homeopathic stuff. That said, when my left arm had me writhing in tears last night, the Flexiril prescription hanging on my fridge seemed like a God send.
At 2:00 in the morning, I stumbled into Walgreens: no bra, uncombed hair, plaid pajama bottoms, crying, holding my arm.
The Pharmacist: You wanna wait for it?
Me: Do you get a lot of people coming in the middle of the night wearing pajamas in tears who DON'T want to wait for it?
Him: It'll be right out.
For 10-minutes, I tried to distract myself...
- Looking at magazines.
- Checking out candy I no longer eat.
- Replacing my pink, girly-girl earplugs.
- Impulse buying an ugly bath mat (it felt really cushy and luxurious in the moment).
I was never so happy to pay $9.95 for anything in my life. (No pain AND a bargain? Count me in).
Thanks, Walgreen's Prescription Club!!
Me (grabbing the bag before leaving): Do you know if these interact with any herbs?
Pharmacist: Unfortunately, we don't have a lot of information on that. With the major ones like St. John's Wort or Melatonin, maybe, but not other stuff.
I decided to risk it.
Before doing so, however, I did cross-check this script with others in my stockpile. The results surprised me.
Tramadol + Flexeril = danger
Flexeril + aspirin = danger
Flexeril + certain antibiotics or sleeping aids = danger
Flexeril + Magnesium = danger
All stuff currently at my disposal (heck, I was just taking baby aspirin due to the clot issue).
Bottom line? Cross check your meds!!
You might think your pharmacist will warn you (mine didn't).
You might think the stuff you took yesterday will be out of your system (it might not be).
You might think your doctor wouldn't prescribe you things that don't go together (they do).
To check for prescription drug interactions, go here.
For some common herb interactions, go here and here.
PS While you're at it, check your parent's stash too. I found two dangerous combo's in my Dad's pile...one of which may cause high blood pressure...something he struggles with.
Altered Today: Med Safety
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