« Day 304: Spicy. Spicy. The Chinese Eating Plan for Lyme (GU Syndrome). | Main | Day 306: Let's Focus On The Good Stuff »



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Cam Bradford

This is so exciting, Kathy! Yay for you! You are a brave soul taking on Disney or any theme park for that matter. Even on the healthiest of healthy days that is taxing on any person's body. I am so happy for you! I will say I think you must have had a complete "mental block" when you opted to go on Space Mountain!


Hey Kathy! So thrilled to be checking back in with your blog and seeing these happy posts! Woo-hoo...suck it, Lyme Disease! I know you've been through a lot of truly awful stuff in the past year, so I hope this sticks and you never have to go that far down the dark path again. Hugs to you and Angel!

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What do you get when you combine a creative, Type A personality with Chronic Lyme Disease? A choice: A) Be swallowed whole or B) Reinvent yourself--daily. Alter Everything is my quest to respect "A" and embrace "B" as much as possible. Here, I recount my daily adventures in pursuit of an altered life.
Kathy Tagudin
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