"Anyone can slay a dragon, he told me, but try waking up every morning
and loving the world all over again. That's what takes a real hero." -- Brian Andreas
FLEET...that was my friend at 6:00 this morning. Panicked, I jumped out of bed. My eyes were worse. Everything was blurry--hazy...like Cybil Shephard in an episode of moonlighting. Scared, I took to my computer. I had emailed Nurse Andi late last night.
Me (in the subject line of an email): Blurry Vision with Ivermectin. Is this normal???
Her (answering at 1:00 am): Can happen when toxins are bring released quicker than removed. Recommend Mila if taking already increase from one scoop to two . What other binders are you taking? Any colonics or enemas? Lots of liquids, walking, sweating, lymph drainage. Let me know asap, so we can adjust your program.
Desperate, I crawl into the tub, break out the Epsom salts, drink two glasses of water, then head to Walgreen's. I never bought an enema before. Blindly, I pick the most natural package: Fleet Naturals Cleansing Pack with Aloe. Then, off to the sauna.
Three hours later (after more water, dry brushing, lying on the bathroom floor--surrounded by bottles to rush mother nature), I give myself a quick mental flogging..."I should detox more. This is serious. I've got to keep up." Finally, I'm back in bed, less cross-eyed, but completely exhausted.
Tough morning? Certainly.
Loving life with Lyme? That's the real challenge.
No doubt, Brian Andreas was on to something.
Altered Today: Ivermectin Reaction, Symptoms, Detoxing 101
Can't say I've even had to pick out an enema either, but I know the Fleets in the green package is the one most often used in the hospital I worked in. Occasionally the orange package (I think that's the mineral oil). Hope the aloe was kind to your rear! Hope today's better one for ya, and that your eyes become uncrossed. Love ya!
Posted by: Laina | 08/10/2011 at 03:28 AM
LOL Laina. Your comment totally cracked me up. If a year ago you told me I'd be talking about my "rear" on the internet, I would have never believed you. Totally funny....funny, funny, funny. Love you.
Posted by: Alter Everything | 08/10/2011 at 05:11 AM
What a way to wake up! You are doing the best possible taking care of yourself. I hope it gets better.
Posted by: Jrsn1234 | 08/10/2011 at 08:11 AM
Woww what a wake up.... The Ivermectin has never gave me a reaction like that, I take small doses once a week an now I am even taking it combined with Praziquantel; maybe your dosing has to be lower so your body can be able to detox while killing the bugs? Maybe the filarial parasites are running all over the place causing the blurry vision? Some of us have had bugs coming out of our eyes... scary indeed, so your vision is fine again after the detoxing? I hope so... Lyme is surprising indeed!
Posted by: Maria | 08/10/2011 at 08:31 AM
Love you, Judy.
@ Maria. Vision not fine, but WAY better after detoxing. Was told to do colonics once a week and enemas daily...weeeeeeeeeeeeee. Interesting though..since starting, the floaters in my eyes have changed shape. Used to be circles all bunched together. Now look like strings. FASCINATING.
I feel like a walking petri dish.
Posted by: Alter Everything | 08/10/2011 at 01:05 PM
Amazing woman!
I have never bought/had an enema.
I did, however, get colonics done when I lived in Tallahassee. 3 of them.
I hope you are feeling better. And gosh darn it NO MENTAL FLOGGING - you're doing GREAT.
I love you, pretty.
Posted by: Saimz | 08/11/2011 at 10:09 AM