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Yay!! So glad you finally have an answer!!

Debbie Semarge

Love you, Kathy. I will call you tomorrow.


I rejoiced and cried at the same time when I heard the news. Love you Kathy. We will fight this thing into submission together!

Kathy Sheridan

Wow! I am so so so happy you know what you are fighting. The fact that you know this is really good news. And now, on to the battle.


I am so glad you finally know! Love you girl! You will win this battle!

Barbie Brady

Seems so weird to say congratulations! Call when you're up for it. I'm happy you have confirmation. Love you lady!

Lynn Garcia

I know it is nice to be able to know what you have, but at the same time I am sorry. Welcome to the group of all of us. I was reading your blog and other than a few facts it is my story too. The different Drs etc. So welcome to our crazy ride of Lyme. At least we can all be on the same page.


I've been reading about Lyme ever since you mentioned this possibility. Talk about totally being snobbed and dismissed by the medical community...and yet, this disease could explain MANY dismissed and ignored cases of illnes...such as, in my case, cronic fatigue since my early twenties...thank you for putting yourself out there and sharing this journey so publicly Kathy. You are a gift to those who know you!

Stephanie Cahagne

Oh SHIT! But do you know Kathy???? You are so lovely, you are an angel, un petit ange adorable (!!!!), you WILL BE the one of the lucky ones! I am sure! I talked about you with Philippe yesterday, we wanted to know how you are....Now, we know...You know your adversary, I hope you are ready to fight ! If you need something Kathy we are here.... Kindest regards. See you soon....
Stephanie, Philippe, Apolline, Theophile et Aristide....


I am so glad that you have a diagnosis. But I am sorry about the difficulty that you have had in finding out. I understand the lack of support you find in the medical community...but I am praying that somehow it will be different from now on for you. You are a gift, Kathy. Thanks for so eloquently sharing your struggle. I am sending you much love and support. Call on me whenever you have a need.


Love you.

Robyn Barnes

WTF? You have Lyme Disease?!? Are you kidding me?

Seriously, "phew." Now you know and I hope you can get more specific treatment that is actually effective.

Love you!


I am SO glad to have found you!!!! One of the main dx I got was Lyme's and I just got it last month! I contracted it last April and have been really sick since July 2010. Crazy that we have both been through 10 months of hell. I love your blog. We will get through this. Biggest hugs!


Lot's of Love to you Kathy, I hope that relief is next <3


Thank you all so much for your love and support. You make even the worst days brighter. I love you!


So glad to see you are finally getting some answers !! Haven't been on here alot but you are in my thoughts and prayers !! Love Ya

Don R

I hope u recover quickly , you are such a nice person.

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What do you get when you combine a creative, Type A personality with Chronic Lyme Disease? A choice: A) Be swallowed whole or B) Reinvent yourself--daily. Alter Everything is my quest to respect "A" and embrace "B" as much as possible. Here, I recount my daily adventures in pursuit of an altered life.
Kathy Tagudin
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