« Day 89: How to Support Me Now That I'm Sick: An Open Letter to Strangers, Family, and Friends | Main | Day 91: Beating Boredom and Blues: A Primer for the Chronically Ill »



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My eyes are filled with tears. I am absolutely speechless right now. I am overjoyed that you were able to find some comfort in my letter.

Kathy Tagudin

Not only did you make a difference for me. You made a difference for countless others. The day that I posted this, several other people emailed to thank me because, through your letter, they also realized they were grieving.

"Somehow putting a name to what I was experiencing helped," one wrote.
"Through your post I could see, I miss the old me too," said another.

Laina, your words are a gift to the world. You should consider using them more often.

Love for sunny, pretty Florida, Kathy

carol gravante

I too had to come to that realization and come through it. that I was grieving the loss of so much time. but through this illness i have found my purpose. it is to help others going through hard times weather it be from illness or whatever. God allowed me to go through this so that i would get educated and be able to teach others what to do to get well. I am forever grateful. I pray you will continue to get well.....it is a journey.......yes we pray for the destination to come soon but learn along the way and keep our eyes and ears open to help the hurting.


Thanks for writing, Carol. Agree 100%. Illness is not fun, but it's meaningful and I'm forever grateful for what it's done for my compassion, strength, and capacity to care for others. Thanks for taking the time to encourage me and so many who are hurting. I have no doubt. God is using you in wonderful ways. XOXOX

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What do you get when you combine a creative, Type A personality with Chronic Lyme Disease? A choice: A) Be swallowed whole or B) Reinvent yourself--daily. Alter Everything is my quest to respect "A" and embrace "B" as much as possible. Here, I recount my daily adventures in pursuit of an altered life.
Kathy Tagudin
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