A while back, I was reading a magazine and saw an article about Oil Pulling. I don't remember all of the details, but I do remember the gist: Amazingly sick woman, hardly able to walk, starts swishing her mouth daily with coconut oil and gets cured in two weeks.
"HMMMM," I thought, very skeptical of the whole thing. Still, you never know, so I filed the info away for future reference. Fast forward another two months. I'm feeling lousy and VERY, VERY tired of being sick. After making a horrible video talking about how hard it seems right now, I go back on line to do some research. Again, hidden deep in a Lyme's message board, more people discuss how oil pulling has helped. Then, a third website (completely unrelated), brings up the same thing.
"OK," I think. Bowing to some unwritten code about hearing things in threes. "I'll look into to it."
Toted as an Indian folk remedy (popular in Ayurvedic Medicine), Oil Pulling involves swishing oil in the mouth for 20 minutes to remove bacterial and draw out toxins. Practitioners swear by its ability to heal chronic and acute illnesses, including, but not limited to: yeast over growths, psoriasis, acne, gum disease, hormone imbalances, migraines, bronchitis, arthritis, insomnia, aids, and even cancer.
At worst, users excitedly talk about how the method makes their skin better and their teeth whiter. At best, the lame can now walk. The blind can see (insert bits of sarcasm here).
How do you do it?
To start, you need a tablespoon of oil (sunflower or sesame are preferred, coconut oil--without hydrogenated by products--is also recommended).
Then, first thing in the morning (on an empty stomach without drinking any liquids), put the oil into your mouth and start swishing (Don't gargle, just move it back and forth between your teeth. Don't be alarmed if the oil starts getting thinner).
20 Minutes Later: Spit the oil--which now may look yellow and coagulated from toxins--into the toilet. Rinse your mouth with warm water (or regular hydrogen peroxide) and spit again.
Warning: Some people report feeling sick while doing this or get large amounts of mucous in their throats or nose during the process. If that happens, feel free to spit out the offending liquid and start over again. Just don't swallow contaminated oil.
Personal experience? I have to say it's weird to put oil in your mouth and avoid swallowing for 20 minutes, but it's not invasive or painful. The oil starts out thick, but gets much thinner after about 10 minutes. Afterwards, I definitely noticed mucous draining from my head, out of my sinuses, and into my throat. I also noticed my mouth feels much cleaner and teeth feel smoother.
Will it work? Time will tell.
Altered Today: Trying alternative folk cures. Other things I've tried, but not necessarily talked about: Psychics, Acupuncture, Energy Work, Health Coaching, Prilosec OTC, Fancy Cream from Australia, Apple Cider Vinegar, Crafts, Art, Prayer, Cussing.
10 days into oil pulling, results are still inconclusive.
Immediately, I noticed a TON of mucous draining from my head and throat.
Days 2-4 I felt extremely flu like...and lots of weird things started happening: A cold sore started (I n...ever get cold sores), bumps, like chicken skin, sprouted under my chin and along my throat. This can be a sign of detoxing...which is good. Keep in mind, I have also eliminated yeast (sugar, flour, dairy) from of my diet so this could also be related.
Days 5-7 I felt the best I've felt in months.
Today, I am EXTREMELY sick with a raging headache and an icky white tongue.
Interestingly enough, I also started feeding my dog coconut oil at the same time, as I suspect she has a yeast overgrowth. Her itching has decreased dramatically and she even seems to self-regulate her consumption of it. Days 1-6 she gobbled it up like a treat. Days 7-8 she refused to eat it. Days 9-10 she's loving (begging) for it again.
Posted by: KTag | 04/26/2011 at 09:11 PM
I came across your website when I was on the internet! It was interesting to read how you started "oil pulling" with coconut oil! I've been doing "oil pulling" for a couple months "off & on"! I've had the same symptoms as you did! I had to stop awhile tho' because I'd get the worst stomach cramps and the "runs"! It must have been the detoxing working and cleaning out the "bad stuff" from my intestines?! The coconut oil made me feel more "light, carefree with a happy feeling" so maybe it has that effect too! I feel thinner too! I'll give my tummy a rest for a while--ha!!- then start oil pulling again! Just wanted to let you know what my symtoms were! Hope your dog is feeling better too! ;-)
Posted by: Julie | 09/09/2011 at 09:23 AM
just stumbled across this site while researching oil pulling. So, what happened? The last line of the post from 4/26/11 says you felt sick. Did you improve? How is your dog? I want to use this method to prevent gum disease because I have the beginnings of it. And I have a dog who has very itchy skin and hate going to the vet for medications when I am sure something can be done nutritionally. Problem is, I can't get solid advice about what to do for her. Therefore, I am very very interested in trying this and would love to know the outcome for you and your dog. Thanks. Gina
Posted by: Gina | 07/09/2012 at 06:45 PM