After visiting various medical message boards recently, I couldn't help but notice: There are two types of people in this world. 1) People who are victims of circumstance or 2) People who create what they want.
When I'm being a victim, it's easy to tell. I whine. I complain. I blame people. I say things like: "People are stupid. It's not fair. Nobody cares."
When I'm creating what I want, that's obvious too. I set goals. I view setbacks as learning experiences. I say things like: "Now what? How am I responsible? What will make a difference here?"
To be honest, I've had my feet planted in both worlds (especially lately). Some days, I'm focused on what's possible, what I CAN do, and planning the next steps. Other days, I'm in the bedroom with the blinds closed feeling VERY sorry for myself and wishing the world would go away...even though there's no cheese down that tunnel.
The truth? We all have tough times. We all have things we wish were different. We all have dark days, nights, and afternoons in between. It's what you do with them that matters.
So, today, rather then get swallowed up by pajamas, I set out on a mission:
A) Call two people I've been missing
B) Get tax receipts in order
C) Drive to the doctor and get questions answered
D) Research insurance information
E) Write this post
F) Cut four book covers
G) Listen to a positive CD
They're not BIG steps, but they're steps...and that's important.
Without knowing much about your circumstances, I'll bet you have a few small steps you could take too. If so, won't you join me on a teensy-weensy journey?
Today, rather than sulk, stress, mope, cry, scream, or go crazy...
1) Write down two things you have been putting off or complaining about
2) Do something about both things in the next 24 hours
3) Let us know how it goes
Altered Today: Butt out of bed/hair combed on head. Shoes on my feet/out in the street. Control what I can/make a new plan. Ask others to play/end post in new way.
Thanks for the push! I actually did two things I'd been putting off the high chair (it was pretty scary) and packing a box for the impending move (I want to pack a box a week to make it easier.) I have a list of things I've been 'too busy' to tackle. Now I'm motivated to get through them. Thanks Kathy!
Posted by: M. Antal | 02/17/2011 at 08:55 PM