What's Keeping You Up At Night?
If you're creative, you'll probably relate when I say this: I am a night person. I enjoy evenings, like to stay up late, and find I have the most energy after 10pm. I am also highly allergic to getting out of bed and eating breakfast before noon.
Lately, however, my body has taken this night stuff to the extreme. Over the last couple of weeks, my 1:30 bedtime has gradually shifted to 2:30 to 3:30 to 4:30 to 5:30. Now, rather than watch a late movie, hit the hay at 2:00, and sleep until 10, my routine has become watch a movie, watch my husband sleep, toss, turn, stare at the clock, go to the bathroom, toss and turn some more, stare at the clock, doze off at 8 (if I'm lucky), and force myself out of bed before lunch.
Apparently, I'm in good company. Over the years, lots of famous creatives have struggled with insomnia. And, according to Facebook, 788 of my fellow insomniacs claim they do their best work at night (not incredibly helpful, but comforting).
Still, staring at the clock and endlessly being a mud skipper -start at 1:30 (my husband's nickname for me during my nighttime antics), gets me nowhere. So tonight, instead of fretting in bed, I'm off to an early start with a blog post and some art. Enjoy your morning.
Altered Today: Lemons to Lemonade, My Routine
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