Disclaimer: If you are easily grossed out by bodily functions, eating a hamburger, or eating my mom's pie, do not read this post.
Since I haven't been feeling well, medical tests have become very interesting to me. On the one hand, they've got fancy machines, cool chambers, and giant body scanners. On the other hand, they've got old-school samples and microscopes.
Case in point, a little test I had to take today affectionately called the French Fry Test (you'll see why in a minute).
The French Fry Test, technically called a Comprehensive Stool Analysis, received it's nick name because of the creative stool collection vehicle that comes with the kit.
Exhibit A:
Get the picture? If not, let me spell it out for you. Instead of pooing in the normal and expected pooh receptacle (aka: the toilet), when you take the French Fry Test, you ALTER where you pooh (ie: use the above featured french fry container).
Then, carefully using a wand/shovel, you scoop the poop into individual test vials.
Exhibit B:
Then, you place the vials in fancy envelopes with cool packs and funny liquids.
Exhibit C:
Then, you send the vials to a lab where wise people in white coats look for things like bacteria, parasites, poor nutrient absorption, or cancer.
Exhibit D:
Of course, there are other creative ways to capture stool samples:
Exhibit E: Exhibit F:
But, for now, using a french fry container was enough fun for me.
Altered Today: How and where I pooh, dignity, future health
This was a pretty horrific test to do (it was about 2 years ago for me)... I don't think we found anything alarming but the experience of mailing my poo was... unparallel.
Posted by: Account Deleted | 04/26/2011 at 12:55 PM